Like the purity of a flower, offer the purity of your heart to everyone. Like the color of a flower, make good affinity with your good heart
Sunday, 30 April 2017
Saturday, 29 April 2017
Friday, 28 April 2017
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
The Unseen Power Of Karmic Affinities
One day, when the
Buddha entered a village with his assistant Ananda, he approached a poor woman
to share his teachings with her. However, the woman disliked the Buddha so
much, that despite his magnificent and pleasing appearance, she could not even
stand the sight of him. Wherever the Buddha went, she would turn away. When he
went to her right, she would look left. When he went to her left, she would
look right… Even when the Buddha used his supernormal power to levitate above
to catch her attention, she looked down and refused to look up. However, when
she saw Ananda, her attitude became the reversed. She was naturally drawn to
him, and happily listened to the Buddha’s teachings related by him, which she
found to be beneficial. This is very interesting as though Ananda almost
resembled the Buddha in form, he was still not his equal, and especially not
the same in compassion, wisdom and skilful means. How is this outcome
possible then?
In a distant previous
life, the woman once lost her child and was consumed by much grief. A spiritual
practitioner passed by and enquired after her. After hearing about her
misfortune, he replied somewhat ‘indifferently’, that there was no need to
grieve as death is natural. As he seemed detached, his words felt cold and
hurting, which gave rise to her aversion. When another practitioner came by and
enquired similarly, he kindly offered his condolences, before sharing about the
truth of death. The first practitioner was the Buddha-to-be and the latter
Ananda-to-be. Due to these karmic affinities formed, the woman developed a
‘natural’ disdain for ‘the Buddha’ and a ‘natural’ attraction to ‘Ananda’. As
such, positive and negative karmic affinities can be carried not only from one
moment to the next in this life, but also from one life to the next. This is a
crucial reason why we ought to be mindful of the impact of our fewest words and
slightest gestures, or even the lack of them, as they can affect present and
future relationships for better or worse.
Although the Buddha,
with his great wisdom, already knew the outcome of his approaches to the woman,
what he demonstrated was the importance of doing our best in connecting to
others, with as many skilful means as possible, before deciding the next
skilful means is to step back, to let the ‘next better player’ try. The
inexplicable ‘first’ impressions we have towards total or near strangers are
often due to affinities formed in past lives. As these perceptions are not
always rational, and often result from emotional bias, as in the case above, we
should learn to manage all relationships anew, to form updated and thus truer
perceptions of people as they are now. Feel-good vibes might not always turn
out good, just like feel-bad vibes might turn out unjustified. Unless proven
‘hopeless’ for the time being, all deserve second chances – including
ourselves. Remember, if you believe any affinity to be beyond hope, you are
fatalistic with disbelief in the dynamic nature of karma, whose power you
always hold!
Source : thedailyenlightenment.com
Monday, 24 April 2017
Sunday, 23 April 2017
修 行 的 原 則
【 修 行 的 原 則 應 是 】:
更進一步,應圓滿修持菩提心─ 就是保持利他與正覺的心靈狀態。
《感恩 湛 明 法 師 相片分享》🙇
【海 濤 法 師 ~ 慈悲心 法語】
更進一步,應圓滿修持菩提心─ 就是保持利他與正覺的心靈狀態。
《感恩 湛 明 法 師 相片分享》🙇
【海 濤 法 師 ~ 慈悲心 法語】
Saturday, 22 April 2017
《如何增長我們的福報?》 ——星雲法師
Friday, 21 April 2017
Thursday, 20 April 2017
超度~ 增福消障,不墮惡道
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Become The Best You Can Be
The first step for someone who aspires
to follow the spiritual path is to understand how precious this human life is. Used wisely, it offers a unique
opportunity to actualize the potential for enlightenment that is within us all,
yet it is very easy to neglect or squander. According to Buddhism, of all
possible life forms that we may take in the round of existences, being born as
a human is highly unusual. It is compared to enjoying a banquet after centuries
of famine.
reason why this life is so precious is that all beings have within them what is
called ‘Tathagatagarbha’ in
Sanskrit, the essence of, or potential for, Buddhahood, which is the
fundamental nature of all conscious beings. That nature, temporarily obscured
by confusion and disturbing emotions, is like a treasure buried within us. The
purpose of practising the Buddhist path, or ‘Dharma,’ is to remove those
are not trying to ‘manufacture’ the state of Buddhahood but simply to reveal
what is already there since we
cannot add to or subtract from that nature, which is very basic of our mind.
The qualities acquired on the way to enlightenment are not fabricated. They
reflect the gradual reactivation of our nature, like the brilliance of a jewel
covered in the mud that is revealed gradually as the dirt is removed. Some
scholars of Buddhism have a slightly different view and consider that the
Tathagatagarbha, or essence of Buddhahood, is not fully present in every being
but develops through the practice of the path, like a seed that matures and
eventually gives fruit, in this case Buddhahood.
The Path To Enlightenment: Heart Advice From The Great Tibetan Masters
Compiled By Matthieu Ricard
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
──資料來源: 菩提路素食
Monday, 17 April 2017
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Friday, 14 April 2017
《 佛典故事 - 無常 》
Thursday, 13 April 2017
---摘自《 別再執著了 》
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Monday, 10 April 2017
5 Secrets To Help You Live A Blissful Life
Have you ever had a
moment when you realized everything you thought you knew was completely wrong?
Well, get ready for the epiphany of your lifetime.
The only way to turn
your life around and make it good and fulfilling has nothing to do with
becoming right and famous. Here are 5 healthy tips to living a truly blissful
If you want to build a
successful career, doing your job and getting it done come haill or high water
is the only way to take it to the next level. A strong work ethic trumps
anything else you can throw at your career to try and get it going. Strive to
be better than everyone else. Work your tail off to meet commitments and make
your boss, customers, etc., deliriously happy.
waste your time.
A major part of having
a strong work ethic is figuring out what matters most in life and focusing on
doing just that. If you are disciplined about it and learn to prioritize your
time and energy, your daily habits and personal productivity will fall into
be lazy.
No more sitting around
and thinking. Now is the time for doing. Paying attention to what you are
really doing while working will show you if what you are really doing is
helping further your career or just wasting your time.
Rather than searching
for answers, focus on education, experience and introspection. They are the
source of all learning. Go to school to learn the craft you are trying to
build, get experience working in the real world, and sit quietly enough to
listen to yourself introspectively.
Learning how to take
smart risks and make good choices takes time, but with experience your
instincts will grow. Think of it this way: top executives are paid to make
smart decisions. Do you want to be a worker paid to work or make
Source : e-buddhism.com
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Bowing in six directions
One morning in Rajagaha , the Buddha left Bamboo Forest with his begging bowl & came upon a young merchant named Sigala on the path just outside the city. Sigala was bowing in six different directions of East ,West, South, North, Down, and Up. The Buddha stopped & asked him the purpose of his bowing. Sigala said that his father had taught him as a child to bow to the six directions every morning and he liked to obey his father wishes, but knew nothing about the purpose for the ritual.
The Buddha told Sigala, " Bowing is a practice can foster happiness for both the present & the future. " The Buddha further told that as he bowed to the East he could contemplate gratitude to his parents. When he bowed to the south, he could contemplate gratitude to his teachers. Bowing West, he could contemplate love for his wife and children. Bowing to the North , he could contemplate love for his friends. Bowing to the down , he could contemplate gratitude to his co-workers. Bowing up , he could contemplate to all wise & virtuous persons.
The Buddha taught thereafter taught Sigala the Fifth Precepts & how to look deeply at the things in order to avoid acting out of greed , anger, passion or fear. The Buddha further told Sigala to avoid the six actions which lead to ruin --1) abusing alcohol 2) wandering through city streets late at night 3) frequenting places of gambling 4) visiting places of depravity 5) loitering with persons of poor character, and 6) succumbing to laziness.
"""""""""""( ) ( ) ( )""""""""
With metta
The Buddha told Sigala, " Bowing is a practice can foster happiness for both the present & the future. " The Buddha further told that as he bowed to the East he could contemplate gratitude to his parents. When he bowed to the south, he could contemplate gratitude to his teachers. Bowing West, he could contemplate love for his wife and children. Bowing to the North , he could contemplate love for his friends. Bowing to the down , he could contemplate gratitude to his co-workers. Bowing up , he could contemplate to all wise & virtuous persons.
The Buddha taught thereafter taught Sigala the Fifth Precepts & how to look deeply at the things in order to avoid acting out of greed , anger, passion or fear. The Buddha further told Sigala to avoid the six actions which lead to ruin --1) abusing alcohol 2) wandering through city streets late at night 3) frequenting places of gambling 4) visiting places of depravity 5) loitering with persons of poor character, and 6) succumbing to laziness.
"""""""""""( ) ( ) ( )""""""""
With metta
Friday, 7 April 2017
生命的素質直接關系到人生幸福,所以,我們一方面要通過自己的努力,使自己的生命從不健康的、充滿煩惱的狀態中解脫出來,從而獲得智慧的、覺悟的人生。另一方面, 我們還要積極地自覺覺他、自利利他,使更多的人走向光明的解脫之路。
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Five Daily Reflections & The Benefits of Cultivating Five Daily Reflections
*I am subject to aging, have not gone beyond aging.
*I am subject to illness, have not gone beyond illness.
*I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death.
*I will grow different;separate from all that is dear and appealing to me.
*I am the owner of my actions (kammas), heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and abide supported by my actions. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir.
These are the five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained.
*I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death.
*I will grow different;separate from all that is dear and appealing to me.
*I am the owner of my actions (kammas), heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and abide supported by my actions. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir.
These are the five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained.
___Anguttara Nikaya V-57 {Upajjhatthana Sutta}___
The Benefits of
Cultivating Five Daily Reflections
By cultivating these five
daily reflections, one never forgets about aging, illness and death: When the
time has arrived for him to face them in reality, he would not be afraid of
them as much as before he was because of already well-prepared. It would also
help him to reduce attachments related to things and persons so that he would
not be insane when they are being destroyed. He would remind himself to save
good deeds in time and not to do any evil because he knows well about the fact
that kamma is his own property and true relative. By doing so, one would have
such good consequences.
Additional Explanations:
Only the wholesome and unwholesome kammas made by beings are their relatives and true friends (or false friends in the case of unwholesome kammas) , always accompanying them wherever they may wander through many lives and world cycles.
Only the wholesome and unwholesome kammas made by beings are their relatives and true friends (or false friends in the case of unwholesome kammas) , always accompanying them wherever they may wander through many lives and world cycles.
By way of explanation, we can say that although there are parents, brothers,
children, relatives, teachers, and friends whom we love and rely upon, we can
only do this for a short time___until our death.
But one’s own physical, verbal, and mental deeds are constant companions who accompany one and give happiness and prosperity (or misery) in one’s future lives. So, wholesome deeds alone are one’s true relatives and friends who should be esteemed and relied upon.
Therefore the
Buddha declares:
“All beings are related to
their kamma and kamma as their refuge.”
Source : buddhismforbeginnersgroup by Ye' Thu Aung
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
■文/聖嚴法師 圖/李宛蓁
Monday, 3 April 2017
Discourse on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings
Wholeheartedly, day and night,
disciples of the Awakened One should recite and meditate on the Eight
Realizations discovered by the Great Beings.
The First Realization is the awareness that the world is
Political regimes are subject to fall. Things composed of the four elements are empty, containing within them the seeds of suffering. Human beings are composed of Five Aggregates and are without a separate self. They are always in the process of change – constantly being born and constantly dying. They are empty of self and without a separate existence. The mind is the source of all confusion, and the body the forest of all unwholesome actions. Meditating on this, you can be released from the round of birth and death.
Political regimes are subject to fall. Things composed of the four elements are empty, containing within them the seeds of suffering. Human beings are composed of Five Aggregates and are without a separate self. They are always in the process of change – constantly being born and constantly dying. They are empty of self and without a separate existence. The mind is the source of all confusion, and the body the forest of all unwholesome actions. Meditating on this, you can be released from the round of birth and death.
The Second Realization is the awareness that more desire brings
more suffering.
All hardships in daily life arise from greed and desire. Those with little desire and ambition are able to relax, their body and mind free from entanglement.
All hardships in daily life arise from greed and desire. Those with little desire and ambition are able to relax, their body and mind free from entanglement.
The Third Realization is the awareness that the human mind is
always searching outside itself and never feels fulfilled.
This brings about unwholesome activity. Bodhisattvas, on the other hand, know the value of having few desires. They live simply and peacefully, so they can devote themselves to practicing the Way. They regard the realization of perfect understanding to be their only career.
This brings about unwholesome activity. Bodhisattvas, on the other hand, know the value of having few desires. They live simply and peacefully, so they can devote themselves to practicing the Way. They regard the realization of perfect understanding to be their only career.
The Fourth Realization is the awareness that indolence is an
obstacle to practice.
You must practice diligently to transform unwholesome mental states that bind you, and you must conquer the four kinds of Mara in order to free yourself from the prisons of the Five Aggregates and the Three Worlds.
You must practice diligently to transform unwholesome mental states that bind you, and you must conquer the four kinds of Mara in order to free yourself from the prisons of the Five Aggregates and the Three Worlds.
The Fifth Realization is the awareness that ignorance is the cause
of the endless round of birth and death.
Bodhisattvas always listen to and learn from others so their understanding and skillful means can develop, and so they can teach living beings and bring them great joy.
Bodhisattvas always listen to and learn from others so their understanding and skillful means can develop, and so they can teach living beings and bring them great joy.
The Sixth Realization is the awareness that poverty creates hatred
and anger, which creates a vicious cycle of
negative thoughts and actions. When practicing generosity, bodhisattvas
consider everyone – friends and enemies alike – to be equal. They do not
condemn anyone’s past wrongdoings or hate even those presently causing harm.
The Seventh Realization is the awareness that the five categories
of sensual desire – money, sex, fame, overeating and oversleeping – lead to
Although you are in the world, try not to be caught in worldly matters. A monk, for example, has in his possession only three robes and one bowl. He lives simply in order to practice the Way. His precepts keep him free from attachment to worldly things, and he treats everyone equally and with compassion.
Although you are in the world, try not to be caught in worldly matters. A monk, for example, has in his possession only three robes and one bowl. He lives simply in order to practice the Way. His precepts keep him free from attachment to worldly things, and he treats everyone equally and with compassion.
The Eighth Realization is the awareness that the fire of birth and
death is raging, causing endless suffering everywhere.
Take the Great Vow to help all beings, to suffer with all beings, and to guide all beings to the Realm of Great Joy.
Take the Great Vow to help all beings, to suffer with all beings, and to guide all beings to the Realm of Great Joy.
These Eight Realizations are the discoveries of great
beings, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have practiced diligently the way of
understanding and love. They have sailed the Dharmakaya boat to the shore
of nirvana, and have then returned to the ordinary world, free of the five
sensual desires, their minds and hearts directed toward the Noble Way.
Using these Eight Realizations, they help all beings
recognize the suffering in the world.
If disciples of the Buddha recite and meditate on these
Eight Realizations, they will put an end to countless misunderstandings and
difficulties and progress toward enlightenment, leaving behind the world of
birth and death, dwelling forever in peace.
The Discourse on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings is an ancient Buddhist text recited regularly in Plum Village practice centers all over the world.
This translation has been prepared by Thich Nhat Hanh from the Chinese Taisho Revised Tripitaka, No. 779. It appears in Thich Nhat Hanh, Chanting From The Heart (2006).
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