Like the purity of a flower, offer the purity of your heart to everyone. Like the color of a flower, make good affinity with your good heart
Friday, 30 June 2017
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
佛陀聽完老者的請求,問道:‘你說說看,如果累積了五百車的木柴,想要用火將它燒盡,應當用幾車的火方能燒盡呢?’老者很有信心地回答:‘根本就不用多大的火,只要如豆一般的火苗,便可將其燒成灰燼!’佛陀又問老者:‘你身上這件衣服穿多久了?’老者說:‘已經有一年多了。’ 佛陀接著又問:‘那麼,想要洗去這件衣服上的污垢,需要幾年的時間才能洗淨?’老者不加思索地答道:‘佛陀,只要有純灰汁一斗,須臾之間便能洗淨。’
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
1. 金針菇不宜煮久太,加熱愈久韌性愈高,不易嚼爛、不易消化,因此烹調時以短時間加熱與切碎最好,脾胃虛寒者,金針菇不宜吃得太多。
2. 芹菜葉子中的胡蘿蔔素比葉柄高出20多倍,人們吃芹菜習慣把葉丟掉,非常可惜。
3. 泰國研究發現,常吃芹菜能減少男性精子的數量,可能對避孕有所幫助。
文章来源: 海涛法师慈悲志業
Monday, 26 June 2017
🌻2017.6.26 | 今日教言🌻
Saturday, 24 June 2017
🙏 線上持咒
🙏 線上鈔經
🙏 鈔經APP下載
🙏 線上持咒
🙏 線上鈔經
🙏 鈔經APP下載
Friday, 23 June 2017
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
佛在心中 不在路上
兄弟二人皆立志遠游修道,無奈父母年邁,弟妹年幼,老大家里還有病妻弱子,所以一直未能成行。某日,一高僧路過,兄弟二人要拜其為師,並將家中難處訴說一遍。高僧雙手合十,微閉雙目,喃喃自語:“舍得,舍得,沒有舍哪來得? 你二人悟性皆不夠,十年後我會再來。” 然後,飄然而去。哥哥頓悟,手持經書決絕而去。弟弟望望父母,看看病嫂幼妹,終不能舍棄。
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
如果你不能夠落實這四句,你念這一句阿彌陀佛的效果不大,你的冤親債主得的利益小,他不放過你,那你的麻煩就大 了!
Monday, 19 June 2017
lord Buddha discourse to Brahmin
lord Buddha discourse to Brahmin
...........The conversation between Veranja Brahmin and Lord Buddha......
Veranja Brahmin: it is my view that your way of practicing and conducting
yourself is quite taste less
Lord Buddha: Brahmin my way is indeed taste less. I have abandon the taste of
the central pleasure of the form, taste, smell, sound, and bodily touch. But I
am not taste less in the way that you understand.
Veranja Brahmin: You have no asset, you teach non action and praise annihilation. And furthermore I would say that you are low-some
Lord Buddha: Brahmin I have no asset or wealth, because such things consist of forms, tastes, smells, sounds and touches. Venerable Brahmin I teach non wrong action, non-evil action by body, speech and mind. I praise the annihilation of lust, hatred and delusion. Brahmin lowsome is bodily misconduct, verbal misconduct, mental misconduct, I lowered all these evil and unwholesome. But I am not at all lowsome in the way that you believe.
Veranja Brahmin: you teach eradication, destruction, You teach none arising and non-birth.
Lord Buddha: Brahmin, I teach the Dharma for the eradication of lust, hatred and delusion and for the eradication of all un-wholesome states. I teach the destruction of bodily misconduct, verbal misconduct and mental misconduct. Because these things are things which are worthy of destruction. I have attain to the state of non-arising and non-birth, by abandoning the causes of birth and becoming. I speak only the truth in response to your comments. The truth is not as you understand to be. Pay attention venerable Veranja Brahmin, and I will teach you the Dharma.
Lord Buddha teaching to Brahmin
Sending your mind outside and seeking faults in others is a cause for suffering. Reflecting internally, developing awareness of ones’ own mind is the path. Niroda (Nibbana) the end of suffering is its fruits.
Source : True Buddhist
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Saturday, 17 June 2017
Friday, 16 June 2017
不要臨【死】才抱佛腳 ~ 索達吉堪布
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Metta Sutta
May everyone be happy
and safe,
and may their hearts be filled with joy.
May all living beings live in security and in peace
beings who are frail or strong,
tall or short, big or small,
visible or not visible, near... or far away,
already born or yet to be born.
May all of them dwell in perfect tranquility.
Let no one do harm to anyone.
Let no one put the life of anyone in danger.
Let no one, out of anger or ill will, wish anyone any harm.
and may their hearts be filled with joy.
May all living beings live in security and in peace
beings who are frail or strong,
tall or short, big or small,
visible or not visible, near... or far away,
already born or yet to be born.
May all of them dwell in perfect tranquility.
Let no one do harm to anyone.
Let no one put the life of anyone in danger.
Let no one, out of anger or ill will, wish anyone any harm.
~ Metta Sutta
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
《莲池大师戒杀放生文图说》 全集
《莲池大师戒杀放生文图说》 全集
Monday, 12 June 2017
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Who did you buried in your past lives?
Once upon a time, as two loved each other very much, they soon arranged to be married. However, when the day arrived, the girl changed her mind by accepting another man. Heartbroken, the original bridegroom-to-be became very sick and wasted away in bed. When he was almost dying, a Buddhist master came along. Hearing what happened, he decided to help.
The master asked him to look into a mysterious ‘magic’ mirror. In it, he saw was the body of a drowned girl washed upon shore. Three men came by. The first simply sighed and moved on. The second kindly covered her with his coat. The third even more kindly buried her. Next seen with his ex-bride-to-be now was a happy bridegroom, who surprisingly resembled the third man.
The master explained that his ex-bride-to-be was the drowned girl in a past life, whom he as the second man covered, while the bridegroom was the third man, who gave her a proper funeral. With significant karmic connection and indebtedness, his kindness was ‘repaid’ by love for a while. However, the kindness of the next more naturally compelled her to love him for a lifetime.
Hearing this, the heartbroken man awakened to the cause and effect of why things turned out they way they did and was instantly cured. He learnt to graciously accept reality, for not being the one best suited for her. Of course, it is not such that every marriage is based on the same causes and effects, but every relationship, being karmic in nature, does have some prior connections.
Perhaps the girl did create some negative karma by changing her mind at the last minute, but she was after all not married yet, with freedom to choose. Meanwhile, those closest to us are those we have the strongest karmic ties with now, or with whom we are forging stronger ties. Yet, this does not mean that all links are surely fortunate, while we have to work to improve all relationships!
The truth is, we are all interconnected by invisible ‘strings’ of affinity, due to having been reborn countless times in all kinds of inter-relationships. It is just a matter of how many degrees of ‘separation’ we are ‘apart’ from one another. If so, may we only create positive and pure links with one another, based on generosity, compassion and wisdom. And never be the apathetic first man!
Friday, 9 June 2017
9th June - the holy day of Saga Dawa Düchen
Friday, 9th of June is the full moon day of the
sacred month of Saga Dawa, the fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar.
For Buddhists this is the most sacred day of the year, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of the Buddha, and it is believed that all positive and negative actions are multiplied by 100 million as a result.
Traditionally, the holy day of Saga Dawa Düchen is observed through practice, generosity, and the performance of meritorious deeds.
For Buddhists this is the most sacred day of the year, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of the Buddha, and it is believed that all positive and negative actions are multiplied by 100 million as a result.
Traditionally, the holy day of Saga Dawa Düchen is observed through practice, generosity, and the performance of meritorious deeds.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Five Mindfulness Trainings
five mindfulness trainings are an expression of the five precepts, the core of
Buddhist ethics, and offer a down-to-earth method of practicing mindfulness in
daily life. As Thich Nhat Hanh wrote in his book Good Citizens,
“The five mindfulness trainings are offered without dogma or religion.
Everybody can use them as an ethics for their life without becoming Buddhist or
becoming part of any tradition or faith. You are just yourself, but you try to
make a beautiful life by following these guidelines.”
Five Mindfulness Trainings represent the Buddhist vision for a global
spirituality and ethic. They are a concrete expression of the Buddha’s
teachings on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, the path of
right understanding and true love, leading to healing, transformation, and
happiness for ourselves and for the world. To practice the Five Mindfulness
Trainings is to cultivate the insight of interbeing, or Right View, which can
remove all discrimination, intolerance, anger, fear, and despair. If we live
according to the Five Mindfulness Trainings, we are already on the path of a
bodhisattva. Knowing we are on that path, we are not lost in confusion about
our life in the present or in fears about the future.
Reverence For Life
of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to
cultivating the insight of interbeing and compassion and learning ways to
protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not
to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the
world, in my thinking, or in my way of life. Seeing that harmful actions arise
from anger, fear, greed, and intolerance, which in turn come from dualistic and
discriminative thinking, I will cultivate openness, non-discrimination, and
non-attachment to views in order to transform violence, fanaticism, and
dogmatism in myself and in the world.
True Happiness
of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and
oppression, I am committed to practicing generosity in my thinking, speaking,
and acting. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that
should belong to others; and I will share my time, energy, and material
resources with those who are in need. I will practice looking deeply to see
that the happiness and suffering of others are not separate from my own
happiness and suffering; that true happiness is not possible without
understanding and compassion; and that running after wealth, fame, power and
sensual pleasures can bring much suffering and despair. I am aware that
happiness depends on my mental attitude and not on external conditions, and
that I can live happily in the present moment simply by remembering that I
already have more than enough conditions to be happy. I am committed to
practicing Right Livelihood so that I can help reduce the suffering of living
beings on Earth and reverse the process of global warming.
True Love
of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I am committed to cultivating
responsibility and learning ways to protect the safety and integrity of
individuals, couples, families, and society. Knowing that sexual desire is not
love, and that sexual activity motivated by craving always harms myself as well
as others, I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without true love
and a deep, long-term commitment made known to my family and friends. I will do
everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent
couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct. Seeing that body
and mind are one, I am committed to learning appropriate ways to take care of
my sexual energy and cultivating loving kindness, compassion, joy and
inclusiveness – which are the four basic elements of true love – for my greater
happiness and the greater happiness of others. Practicing true love, we know
that we will continue beautifully into the future.
Loving Speech and Deep Listening
of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to
others, I am committed to cultivating loving speech and compassionate listening
in order to relieve suffering and to promote reconciliation and peace in myself
and among other people, ethnic and religious groups, and nations. Knowing that
words can create happiness or suffering, I am committed to speaking truthfully
using words that inspire confidence, joy, and hope. When anger is manifesting
in me, I am determined not to speak. I will practice mindful breathing and
walking in order to recognize and to look deeply into my anger. I know that the
roots of anger can be found in my wrong perceptions and lack of understanding
of the suffering in myself and in the other person. I will speak and listen in
a way that can help myself and the other person to transform suffering and see
the way out of difficult situations. I am determined not to spread news that I
do not know to be certain and not to utter words that can cause division or
discord. I will practice Right Diligence to nourish my capacity for
understanding, love, joy, and inclusiveness, and gradually transform anger,
violence, and fear that lie deep in my consciousness.
Nourishment and Healing
of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivating
good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by
practicing mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I will practice looking
deeply into how I consume the Four Kinds of Nutriments, namely edible foods,
sense impressions, volition, and consciousness. I am determined not to gamble,
or to use alcohol, drugs, or any other products which contain toxins, such as
certain websites, electronic games, TV programs, films, magazines, books, and
conversations. I will practice coming back to the present moment to be in touch
with the refreshing, healing and nourishing elements in me and around me, not
letting regrets and sorrow drag me back into the past nor letting anxieties,
fear, or craving pull me out of the present moment. I am determined not to try
to cover up loneliness, anxiety, or other suffering by losing myself in
consumption. I will contemplate interbeing and consume in a way that preserves
peace, joy, and well-being in my body and consciousness, and in the collective
body and consciousness of my family, my society and the Earth.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
How Are Vows & Precepts Related?
Question: What is the significance of taking vows in Buddhism?
Answer: There are several kinds of vows for Buddhists. Taking refuge in
the Triple Gem is one kind. Committing to the Five Precepts is another, as is
to the Eight Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts and Monastic Precepts. And there
are other independent vows. Vows express commitment to
avoiding of evil, doing of good and purification of the mind. With strong commitment, there will be definite progress.
Question: How is taking of vows, for example to be vegan different from
just abstaining from eating animal products?
Answer: With commitment, one is fully serious on that committed to, while
without commitment, one is half-hearted. This further explains the major differences between commitment
and non-commitment:
Question: When vows are taken, do they last for this lifetime or from life
to life?
Answer: It depends on how the vows are committed to. For example, the
Five Precepts are usually committed to for life, while the Eight Precepts for
at least 24 hours.
Question: Are vows the same as precepts?
Answer: Precepts are moral guidelines adhered to as vows, but vows are not
always precepts. For instance, the first
precept of not killing is a vow, but Amituofo’s
(Amitabha Buddha) 48 Great Vows are
in terms of helping all beings to quickly attain Buddhahood; they are not
precepts in terms of vowing not to do certain misdeeds.
Question: Is there any difference between taking a vow to not kill versus
observing a precept to not kill?
Answer: Taking of precepts involve a ceremony to formally express commitment (i.e. vowing) for life (other than the Eight Precepts), while
other vows might have no specific ceremony for expressing them, unless one
chooses to vow formally.
Monday, 5 June 2017
※ 當你有看不起的人,自己應當懺悔,這說明自己不夠慈悲,不夠善良;當你有看不慣的事,自己也要反省,這說明自己沒有智慧,不夠圓融。
※ 總是站在自己的角度去看問題,肯定有很多看不慣的,肯定有很多不圓滿的,這是你自己的問題,這也叫我執。以自我為中心,要求一切圍著自己轉,這是不可能的。很多煩惱痛苦都是這樣招來的。
※ 真正的福報在自己的阿賴耶當中,無論去什麼地方,都是可以跟隨自己的,即使到臨終的時候也不會失散。留下的那些,都是不屬於你的,而是因緣和合的一種顯現,沒有什麼可執著的。
※ 種下一份善根,就能得一份福報;懺悔一份罪業,就能減輕一份痛苦。
Sunday, 4 June 2017
Saturday, 3 June 2017
Friday, 2 June 2017
Parable of the Raft
I will teach you the parable of the raft—for getting across, not for retaining.
It is like a man who going on a journey sees a great stretch of water, the near
bank with dangers and fears, the farther bank secure and without fears, but
there is neither a boat for crossing over, nor a bridge across. It occurs to
him that to cross over from the perils of this bank to the security of the
farther bank, he should fashion a raft and cross over to safety. When he has
done this it occurs to him that the raft has been very useful, and he wonders
if he ought to take it with him on his head and shoulders. What do you think,
monks? That the man is doing what should be done with the raft? They answered,
“No, Lord.” What should that man do, monks? When he has crossed over to the
beyond, he must leave the raft and proceed on his journey. Monks, a man doing
this would be doing what should be done with the raft. In this way, I have
taught you Dharma, like the parable of the raft, for getting across, not for
retaining. You, monks, by understanding the parable of the raft, must not cling
to right states of mind and, all the more, to wrong states of mind.
Source : extracted from Parables of the Buddha (Jack Kornfield, Teachings of the Buddha, Boston: Shambhala, 1996 ISBN 1-57062-124-1)
Thursday, 1 June 2017
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