Wednesday, 31 May 2017

怎樣才是真正的讚歎佛陀? 《阿含經故事選》



Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Zen is the Japanese practice of meditation and mindfulness and it's a part of ZEN BUDDHISM. Here are some great, handpicked stories to bring joy to your sense of enlightenment.

The Buddha
There once was two instructors of the Buddha’s teachings. One, Tanzan, was strict in his life style, never drinking intoxicants or eating after 11 o’clock in the morning. The other, Unsho, was loose in his discipline, eating whenever and drinking whatever he pleased.
“Hello, brother,” Tanzan greeted him. “Won’t you have a drink?”
 “I never drink!” exclaimed Unsho solemnly.
“One who does not drink is not even human,” said Tanzan.
“Do you mean to call me inhuman just because I do not indulge in intoxicating liquids!” exclaimed Unsho angrily. “Then if I am not human, what am I?”
“A Buddha,” answered Tanzan.

A Mother’s Advice
There was a Shogun master that was also famous Sanskrit scholar known through the lands. He would often give lectures to students and travelers. One day his mother wrote to him and said, “Son, I do not think you became a devotee of the Buddha because you desired to turn into a walking dictionary for others. There is no end to information and commentation, glory and honor. I wish you would stop this lecture business. Shut yourself up in a little temple in a remote part of the mountain. Devote your time to meditation and in this way attain true realization.”

How To Write A Chinese Poem
A famous Japanese poet was once asked how to compose a Chinese poem.
“The usual Chinese poem is four lines,” he explains. “The first line contains the initial phase; the second line, the continuation of that phase; the third line turns from this subject and begins a new one; and the fourth line brings the first three lines together. A popular Japanese song illustrates this:
Two daughters of a silk merchant live in Kyoto.
The elder is twenty, the younger, eighteen.
A soldier may kill with his sword.
But these girls slay men with their eyes.”

How The Trees And Grass Became Enlightened
One day a fifty year old student of the Tendai school came to the master Shinken. The master rarely received visitors and almost never answered their questions.
“I have studied the Tendai school of thought since I was a little boy, but one thing in it I cannot understand. Tendai claims that even the grass and trees will become enlightened. To me this seems very strange.”
“Of what use is it to discuss how grass and trees become enlightened?” asked Shinkan. “The question is how you yourself can become so. Did you ever consider that?”
“I never thought of it in that way,” marveled the old man.
“Then go home and think it over,” finished Shinkan.

Every Minute Zen
Zen students must learn under their masters for at least ten years before they may teach others. Tenno was recently made a master and visited his friend Nan-in, who was also a master. The day they greeted each other was rainy, and Tenno was wearing wooden clogs and had an umbrella. Later, while taking tea Nan-in asked, “I suppose you left your wooden clogs in the vestibule. I want to know if your umbrella is on the right or left side of the clogs.”
This confused Tenno and he had no immediate answer. He realized in that moment he had lost his Zen. He studied for six more years to find and keep his Zen.

Fire-Poker Zen
An old master used to tell his students about an old woman that owned a teashop. He praised her deep understanding of Zen. He encouraged them to seek her out. When she saw the students coming, she could immediately tell if they had come for tea or not.
If they came for tea she would serve them delicious tea with grace. If they came for teachings she would take them around the back. There she would strike them with a red hot poker. Nine out of ten could not escape her beatings.

Flower Shower
Subhuti was a disciple of the Buddha. He comprehended emptiness, the view point that nothing exists except in its relationship of subjectivity and objectivity.
One day Subhuti, in a mood of sublime emptiness, was sitting under a tree. Flowers began to fall about him.
“We are praising you for your discourse on emptiness,” the gods whispered to him.
“But I have not spoken of emptiness,” said Subhuti.
“You have not spoken of emptiness, we have not heard emptiness,” responded the gods. “This is the true emptiness.” And blossoms showered upon Subhuti as rain.

Everything Is Best
When Banzan was walking through a market, he happened to hear a butcher talking with his customer.
“Give me the best piece of meat you have,” said the customer.
“Everything in my shop is the best,” replied the butcher. “You cannot find here any piece of meat that is not the best.”
At these words Banzan became enlightened.

Source and courtesy:

Monday, 29 May 2017








Saturday, 27 May 2017


※ 人有業障不怕,就怕沒有慚愧心。有慚愧心,這個人肯定能發現自己的過失,肯定會改過,最後會成為一個圓滿的人。

※ 修行完美的是自己的人格,不要總受他人的影響。個人吃飯個人飽,跟別人沒有關係。你行持善法,善有善報,這是真實不虛的。

※ 修行要多修施捨,多把自己的受用或能力奉獻給他人。如果有這種精神,這樣修持,我們的團隊、社會乃至世界才會和諧。如果總是自私自利,只顧自己,哪裡都不會有和諧。

※ 很多人喜歡念《地藏經》,目的是為了消業,或者為了祛除身上不清淨的東西,並沒有去思維內容,也沒有去領會裡面所描述的真相,這樣意義就不大了。通過念《地藏經》,應該對輪迴、地獄生起信解,生起真正的出離心,這才是真正的念《地藏經》的真實意義。 ​

── 達真堪布

Friday, 26 May 2017

Thursday, 25 May 2017

念佛攝心 嘴唸 耳聞 心數

念佛號時,不論是默念, 出聲念, 金剛念( 雙唇微動 )皆可,沒有規定要以什麼形式來念,只要適合自己," 自然 "就好
初學者,想用個方法,使自己念佛號能更加攝心,可參考用 "字字口念清楚,字字耳聽清楚" 的方法," 慢慢就會有定慧 " !

Wednesday, 24 May 2017



Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Prostration in Chinese Mahayana Tradition 汉传佛教礼佛方式

Prostration is not just about penance and repentance.
It is about:
- Gratitude to parents, friends and so many people (including those who hurt us)
- Appreciating this precious human life
- Understanding pain and suffering
- Impermanence in every phenomena
- Humility and our ego – Non Self
- Offering our body speech and mind
- Kindness and compassion as we bow
- Dedicating merits to others (and not collecting merits to ourselves)
Prostration is the first step of the Seven branch prayers.
(1) prostrations, (2) making offerings, (3) confessing past wrongs, (4) rejoicing in virtue, (5) requesting the buddhas to teach the Dharma, (6) supplicating the buddhas not to abandon the world, and (7) dedicating the roots of virtue.

~ thoughts on 3 steps 1 bow.

Monday, 22 May 2017



Sunday, 21 May 2017


🌻2017.5.21 | 今日教言🌻


Saturday, 20 May 2017


🌻2017.5.20 | 今日教言🌻


Friday, 19 May 2017

Here is What Buddha Said About Good Luck and Fate

What did the Buddha teach about magic and fortune telling?
The Buddha considered such practices as fortune telling, wearing magic charms for protection, finding lucky sites for buildings, prophesising and fixing lucky days to be useless superstitions and he expressly forbade his disciples to practise such things. He called all these things 'low arts'.

"Whereas some religious men, while living off food provided by the faithful make their living by such low arts, such wrong means of livelihood as palmistry, divining by signs, interpreting dreams, bringing about good or bad luck, picking the lucky site for a building, the monk Gotama refrains from such low arts, such wrong means of livelihood".

Then why do people sometimes practise such things and believe in them?
Because of greed, fear and ignorance.  As soon as people understand the Buddha's teachings, they realise that a pure heart can protect them much better than bits of paper, bits of metal and a few chanted words and they no longer rely on such things.  In the teachings of the Buddha, it is honesty, kindness, understanding, patience, forgiveness, generosity, loyalty and other good qualities that truly protect you and give you true prosperity.

But some lucky charms do work, don't they?
I know a person who makes a living selling lucky charms. He claims that his charms can give good luck, prosperity and he guarantees that you will be able to pick three numbers. But if what he says is true then why isn't he himself a multi-millionaire? If his lucky charms really work, then why doesn't he win the lottery week after week? The only luck he has is that there are people silly enough to buy his magic charms.

Then is there such a thing as luck?
The dictionary defines luck as 'believing that whatever happens, either good or bad, to a person in the course of events is due to chance, fate or fortune'.  The Buddha denied this belief completely.  Everything that happens has a specific cause or causes and there must be some relationships between the cause and the effect. Becoming sick, for example, has specific causes.  One must come into contact with germs and one's body must be weak enough for the germs to establish themselves.  There is a definite relationship between the cause (germs and a weakened body) and the effect (sickness) because we know that germs attack the organisms and give rise to sickness. But no relationship can be found between wearing a piece of paper with words written on it and being rich or passing examinations. Buddhism teaches that whatever happens does so because of a cause or causes and not due to luck, chance or fate. People who are interested in luck are always trying to get something, usually more money and wealth. The Buddha teaches us that it is far more important to develop our hearts and minds. He says:

Being deeply learned and skilled; being well-trained and using well-spoken words - this is the best good luck. To support mother and father, to cherish wife and child and to have a simple livelihood - this is the best good luck.

FROM -  Good Question, Good Answer BY Bhikkhu Shravasti Dhammika

Thursday, 18 May 2017



2017.5.18 | 今日教言

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Question: Did the Buddha teach that abortion should be avoided?

Answer: Yes, as killing of sentient beings is generally discouraged throughout the Buddha’s teachings, while the first to eight kinds of negative karmic actions listed below in 佛为首迦长者说业报差别经 (The Sūtra In Which The Buddha For The Elder Śuka Spoke Of Karmic Retribution’s Differences) leading to shorter lives are both direct and indirect teachings against abortion. (Note that the taking of a precious human life, if not repented in time, might lead to rebirth in the hells after a shortened life too, as the negative karma created is especially grave.)   
“[Śākyamuni] Buddha told Śuka, ‘There are ten kinds of karmic [actions] that enable sentient beings to attain shortened lives as retribution:
first, is to personally do the killing of beings;
[This includes self-conducted abortion, including intentional ‘accidental’ miscarriage.]
second, is to encourage others to enable killing;
[This includes encouragement of abortion as a false ‘quick fix’ to ‘absolve’ responsibility.]
third, is to praise killing’s method[s];
[This includes praising methods of abortion as being ‘safe’ and ‘efficient’.]
fourth, is to see killing and accordingly rejoice;
[This includes seeing and rejoicing over abortion by doctors, nurses and anyone else.]

fifth, is, from evil hatred thus, desire enabling of death and destruction;
[This includes having abortion out of resentment.]
sixth, is, seeing the resented destroyed already, the mind giving rise to joy;
[This includes having joy after abortion.]
seventh, is to harm others’ fetus[es] in the[ir] womb[s]; 
[This includes facilitation of actual abortion.]
eighth, is to teach others to destroy and harm; 
[This includes teaching of abortion.]

ninth, is to build and erect “heavenly” temples, [with misguided] slaughtering sentient beings [as sacrificial “offerings”];
tenth, is to teach others to have war and fight, to injure and kill each other.
These are the ten karmic [actions] that attain shortened lives as retribution.'”

Source : (posted by Shen Shi'an)

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


2017.5.16 | 今日教言


Sunday, 14 May 2017







── 達真堪布

Friday, 12 May 2017

《 道德经:为人子女的,必须要尽孝 》



罗先生曾说:孝子侍奉双亲,不可使父母有冷淡心,不可使父母生烦恼心;不可使父母有惊怖心,不可使父母生愁闷心;不可使父母有难言心,不可使父母有愧恨心。” 孝子必须要安定国家,因为国家安定了,家庭才能保安定,而家庭安定了,孝子才能够实行孝道,所以古人求忠臣,必定是在孝子门中求到的啊!而忠孝若是能够两全的话,方才是做人最高的德性。

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

《 佛吉祥日 / 衛塞節 》

510日(農 五)


Verse for Bathing Buddhas / 浴佛偈


- 净土宗九祖蕅益大师《佛说阿弥陀经要解》

On The Five Defilements Above:
'With such Faith and Aspiration adorning each recitation of “Amituofo”, 

[1] Transform the defilement of the kalpa into an ocean-wide assembly of purity, 
[2] Transform the defilement of views into immeasurable light [of wisdom], 
[3] Transform the defilement of afflictions into the eternal still light [of peace], 
[4] Transform the defilement of sentient beings into lotus flower transformed beings, and 
[5] Transform the defilement of [limited] lifespans into immeasurable life.'

Source : posted by Shen Shi'an

Friday, 5 May 2017

以善止惡即是修行  (聖嚴法師)









Thursday, 4 May 2017

Rely Upon Buddha As Best Spiritual Friend

Once, in the Sakyan country, Venerable Ananda said to the Buddha, ‘Venerable Sir, good friendship is half of the holy life.’ ‘Not so, Ananda!’ the Buddha replied. ‘Good friendship is the entire holy life. When one has a good friend, it is to be expected that he will develop and cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path – Right view, Right intention, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, and right concentration – each stage is based upon seclusion, dispassion and cessation, maturing in release.

By relying upon me as a good friend, Ananda, beings are freed from birth, from aging, from illness, from death, and from sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure and despair. Thus, Ananda, it may be understood how the entire holy life is good friendship.

Therefore, you should train yourself thus: “I will be one who has good friends.” When you have good friends, you should dwell with one thing for support: diligence in wholesome states not yet arisen, abandoning unwholesome states already arisen, developing wholesome states, and maintaining wholesome states. When you are thus dwelling diligently, those around you will think, “Let us also dwell diligently, with diligence for support.” In this way, you will be guarded and protected.’

– Samyutta Nikaya 3,18

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


【六齋日】 【十齋日】
念藥師琉璃光如來 持齋除罪三十劫
具香月藥師如來殊勝功德日 善行與惡行乘一千萬倍


淨化個人的身口意,我們手持淨水向悉達多太子像沐浴時,內心應當誠懇祝禱,唱頌 我今灌沐諸如來,淨智莊嚴功德聚,五濁眾生令離垢,同證如來淨法身。,願袪除貪欲、瞋恨、愚痴的污垢,讓自行身行、語言、心意都能保持潔淨,希望社會清淨安寧,沒有暴力、詐欺、邪惡等事件,環境能夠優美清淨,並且藉著浴佛的功德,淨化自己的煩惱塵垢,美化我們的社會國土,轉五濁惡世為清淨的淨土,導邪曲人心為善良菩提,這就是浴佛的真正意義。

可得無為法;(2) 可得精進力;(3) 可得大智慧;(4) 可生轉輪王;(5) 可得人天富貴;(6) 可得子孫延綿;(7) 可得無病長壽;(8) 可得善神擁護;(9) 可得無上佛道。

現受富樂,無病延年。 (2) 於所願求,無不遂意。 (3) 親友眷屬,悉皆安穩。 (4) 長辭八難,永出苦緣。 (5) 不受女身,速成證覺。