Like the purity of a flower, offer the purity of your heart to everyone. Like the color of a flower, make good affinity with your good heart
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Friday, 29 September 2017
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
【雙語開示】一切恭敬 | Being Respectful All the Time
Being respectful all the time. Earth Store
Sutra Repentance is all about 「Being respectful and penitent all the time」. Worship every
statue of Buddha, and chant this sentence repeatedly. This is a knack. My
teacher always emphasizes that being respectful all the time. Make sure to have
a pure heart. Practicing with this constantly present devotion, this is the
sense of merits and virtues, that is, turn a deaf ear to the negative.
--Ven.Master Chuanxi
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Dhammapada Stories - Almsfood Is Almsfood
ONCE THERE LIVED a kind-hearted brahmin who
often offered food to the Buddha and his monks whenever they came by on their
alms-round. One day they happened to arrive when he was already in the middle
of his meal, and though they patiently stood in front of his door, he did not
notice them. His wife did, however, but she did not want her husband to know
that they had come, for she knew that he would surely offer them the rest of
his meal. That would mean she would have to go back into the kitchen and cook some
more, which she really was not in the mood to do.
So she stood in front of the doorway in such a way that the Buddha and his monks remained cut from her husband's view. She then quietly eased herself to the door within the Buddha's listening reach and whispered to him through the corner of her mouth that there was no alms-food for them that day.
The Buddha and his disciples were already walking away when the husband noticed his wife's strange behavior and asked her what she was up to. As she turned from the door, he caught sight of the edge of a monk's robe leaving the doorway and immediately realized what had happened.
He jumped from behind his unfinished plate of food and ran after the Buddha. He apologized profusely for his wife's crude behavior toward them and begged the Buddha to return with him and accept his food, although already partially eaten. The Buddha did not hesitate to accept the brahmin's offer and said, "Any food is suitable for me, even if it be the last remaining spoonful of an unfinished meal, for that is the way of a bhikkhu." The brahmin then asked the Buddha how a bhikkhu was to be defined. The Buddha's response was quite succinct and clear: "A bhikkhu," he said, "is one who no longer has any attachment to body or mind and does not long for what he doesn't have."
Morale of The Story
"He who does not take the mind and body as "I" and "mine" and who does not grieve for what he has not is indeed called a bhikkhu." {Verse 367}
So she stood in front of the doorway in such a way that the Buddha and his monks remained cut from her husband's view. She then quietly eased herself to the door within the Buddha's listening reach and whispered to him through the corner of her mouth that there was no alms-food for them that day.
The Buddha and his disciples were already walking away when the husband noticed his wife's strange behavior and asked her what she was up to. As she turned from the door, he caught sight of the edge of a monk's robe leaving the doorway and immediately realized what had happened.
He jumped from behind his unfinished plate of food and ran after the Buddha. He apologized profusely for his wife's crude behavior toward them and begged the Buddha to return with him and accept his food, although already partially eaten. The Buddha did not hesitate to accept the brahmin's offer and said, "Any food is suitable for me, even if it be the last remaining spoonful of an unfinished meal, for that is the way of a bhikkhu." The brahmin then asked the Buddha how a bhikkhu was to be defined. The Buddha's response was quite succinct and clear: "A bhikkhu," he said, "is one who no longer has any attachment to body or mind and does not long for what he doesn't have."
Morale of The Story
"He who does not take the mind and body as "I" and "mine" and who does not grieve for what he has not is indeed called a bhikkhu." {Verse 367}
Source : Buddhism for Beginners
Monday, 25 September 2017
淨空法師法語精華 ─ 勸深信因果─佛菩薩如何幫助苦難眾生(一)
世尊的慈悲,表現在他一生的生活之中。佛是福慧二足尊,也就是智慧、福報都圓滿,既然福報圓滿,為何不示現享福?《無量壽經》講,這個世間福報最大的是大梵天王,但大梵天王的福報,還比不上極樂世界下下品往生之人。我們這才明瞭,佛的福報確實是世出世間無人能相比。釋迦牟尼佛示現三衣一缽,日中一食,樹下一宿,這就是大慈大悲的落實。畢竟世間富貴人少,貧賤人多,若佛示現富貴的身分,貧賤人看到佛只有仰慕,而不敢親近。佛示現貧賤到極處,貧賤之人看到佛跟自己一樣,會感到非常親切,所以心就平了。這是佛的大慈大悲,我們要能體會。 學佛人若是高高在上,住處像皇宮一般,出門坐名牌轎車,這些苦難人看到做何感想?尤其出家人的財富、享受是十方供養的,釋迦牟尼佛成佛,也沒有這樣享受。佛一生不求人,每天托缽也只托七家,七家都托不到,今天就餓一天;托了第一家能吃得飽,就不托第二家。這種示現是教導我們要知足常樂,世間人的病根就是不知足,所以才招致無量無邊的禍害。 學佛就是向佛學習,無論是何種身分,無論從事何種行業,都要學習佛的精神、佛的理念、佛的慈悲,而且要落實在生活當中。自己生活要樸實、要知足,有多餘的要與一切眾生共享,這是佛菩薩與世間人理念不同之處;佛菩薩是有福大家享,凡夫是有福自己享,不願與人分享。佛不僅以言語教導眾生,他自己是說到做到。他真看破,看破就是世出世間一切理事因果都通達明瞭;他真放下,於世出世法絲毫不牽掛,名聞利養、五欲六塵連邊都不沾。現在有許多同修覺得自己業障深重,災難很多,問如何消業障、化解災難,實在講釋迦牟尼佛一生示現的就是。我們要是學會了,利益無量無邊,不但眼前災難可以消除,無始劫來的業習也能斷除。 由此可知,我們學佛實在是粗心大意。佛法沒有祕密,非常明顯的呈現在我們眼前,我們看不出來,也覺察不到,這是我們業障深重。我們雖然讀經、聽經,還是不懂經義,不能將這些教誨落實在現實生活當中,所以得不到真正利益。我們不能怪佛菩薩不慈悲,不能怪佛菩薩沒有幫助我們,佛菩薩是真幫助,而是我們沒有理會,反而讓因緣當面錯過,這個過失在自己。所以,自己要反省、要懺悔,要從反省懺悔中去學習。 牟尼精舍 我們不接受供養、不收錢、不推銷、也不強迫修行,只求能結善緣解決您的問題; 我們-專解因果事件、因果問題、治因果病、.., 無論感情、婚姻、家庭、事業、家族、身體、-痼疾、學業...等問題均能請示! 有醫生看到沒醫生、有神問到沒神者,不妨一試
世尊的慈悲,表現在他一生的生活之中。佛是福慧二足尊,也就是智慧、福報都圓滿,既然福報圓滿,為何不示現享福?《無量壽經》講,這個世間福報最大的是大梵天王,但大梵天王的福報,還比不上極樂世界下下品往生之人。我們這才明瞭,佛的福報確實是世出世間無人能相比。釋迦牟尼佛示現三衣一缽,日中一食,樹下一宿,這就是大慈大悲的落實。畢竟世間富貴人少,貧賤人多,若佛示現富貴的身分,貧賤人看到佛只有仰慕,而不敢親近。佛示現貧賤到極處,貧賤之人看到佛跟自己一樣,會感到非常親切,所以心就平了。這是佛的大慈大悲,我們要能體會。 學佛人若是高高在上,住處像皇宮一般,出門坐名牌轎車,這些苦難人看到做何感想?尤其出家人的財富、享受是十方供養的,釋迦牟尼佛成佛,也沒有這樣享受。佛一生不求人,每天托缽也只托七家,七家都托不到,今天就餓一天;托了第一家能吃得飽,就不托第二家。這種示現是教導我們要知足常樂,世間人的病根就是不知足,所以才招致無量無邊的禍害。 學佛就是向佛學習,無論是何種身分,無論從事何種行業,都要學習佛的精神、佛的理念、佛的慈悲,而且要落實在生活當中。自己生活要樸實、要知足,有多餘的要與一切眾生共享,這是佛菩薩與世間人理念不同之處;佛菩薩是有福大家享,凡夫是有福自己享,不願與人分享。佛不僅以言語教導眾生,他自己是說到做到。他真看破,看破就是世出世間一切理事因果都通達明瞭;他真放下,於世出世法絲毫不牽掛,名聞利養、五欲六塵連邊都不沾。現在有許多同修覺得自己業障深重,災難很多,問如何消業障、化解災難,實在講釋迦牟尼佛一生示現的就是。我們要是學會了,利益無量無邊,不但眼前災難可以消除,無始劫來的業習也能斷除。 由此可知,我們學佛實在是粗心大意。佛法沒有祕密,非常明顯的呈現在我們眼前,我們看不出來,也覺察不到,這是我們業障深重。我們雖然讀經、聽經,還是不懂經義,不能將這些教誨落實在現實生活當中,所以得不到真正利益。我們不能怪佛菩薩不慈悲,不能怪佛菩薩沒有幫助我們,佛菩薩是真幫助,而是我們沒有理會,反而讓因緣當面錯過,這個過失在自己。所以,自己要反省、要懺悔,要從反省懺悔中去學習。 牟尼精舍 我們不接受供養、不收錢、不推銷、也不強迫修行,只求能結善緣解決您的問題; 我們-專解因果事件、因果問題、治因果病、.., 無論感情、婚姻、家庭、事業、家族、身體、-痼疾、學業...等問題均能請示! 有醫生看到沒醫生、有神問到沒神者,不妨一試
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Friday, 22 September 2017
Thursday, 21 September 2017
The benefit and virtue of saving and releasing animals
Life release is a traditional Buddhist practise of saving the
lives of beings that were destined for slaughter. These animals will be killed and eaten if not saved.
Any living creature that is about to be cooked or killed is suitable for this
practice. It even include those small animals or living baits that are sold for
consumption by other animals.
The practice of life release brings great merit and incredible benefits. Some
of main benefits include extending your life and the lives of others, healing
and in some cases curing serious diseases, removing obstacles that are holding
you back in life and so on. The main benefit is that you will create the causes
to attain enlightenment in the very near future.
Precautions when saving and releasing animals:
1. Do not go to the same stall when buying animals, this will encourage the
stall owner to bring in more stocks
2. Do not reserve or advance bookings of the quantity of animals you required
although you may be charged cheaper
3. Do not always release the animals to the same place. Try releasing to
different locations. This will prevent other people from catching and hurt the
animals after you have released them
4. Release the animals to a suitable environment. Such as sea water creatures
back to salt sea water instead of releasing into fresh water ponds etc
Chant "Namo Amitaba" several times when releasing the animals as a
simple ceremony.
Source :
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
20 - 9 - 2017 (农 历 八 月 初 一)记得吃素念佛,行善积德,广结善缘
20 - 9 -
2017 (农 历 八 月 初 一)
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
今天9月19日(二) 農曆七月廿九日【南無地藏王菩薩誕辰暨六齋日、十齋日】
今天9月19日(二) 農曆七月廿九日【南無地藏王菩薩誕辰暨六齋日、十齋日】
【地藏菩薩真言】嗡 阿 克 諦 嘎貝 他伶 吽
汝以堅固清淨心 滅除無量有情苦
令眾得樂如獲寶 復似金剛斷疑網
汝以大悲極精進 呈獻善逝諸聖供
如海智慧息眾苦 無畏無懼超三界
汝以堅固清淨心 滅除無量有情苦
令眾得樂如獲寶 復似金剛斷疑網
汝以大悲極精進 呈獻善逝諸聖供
如海智慧息眾苦 無畏無懼超三界
邀請您 並將這殊勝功德虔誠與一切眾生們一起分享並迴向身心輕安、正念相續、證得道智、果智、直至涅槃!
Monday, 18 September 2017
Thursday, 14 September 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Dhammapada Stories - Sainthood On Top of A Pole
performers were invited to the palace to perform for the king and his court.
Among the troupe’s jugglers and acrobats was a charming young lady who danced
with grace and agility on the top of a long pole. One of the young men in the
audience, named Uggasena, fell in love with her and eventually married her.
Finally when it was time for the troupe to move on to another town, he and his
new wife decided to move on with them.
Uggasena, himself, though, did
not have any special talent that the troupe could use, and so was relegated to
moving and packing crates, driving carts, and other menial tasks. This
displeased his wife.
After some time, they had a son.
One day, Uggasena could not help but overhear the lullaby his wife was singing
to their child: “You poor child, your father can only carry boxes and drive
carts. Your father is truly worthless”.
Thinking that his wife’s
arrogance was due to her skill as an acrobat, he decided to become one himself.
He asked his father-in-law to train him, and not long after, he was ready to
perform. On the day of his performance, he climbed up his pole with facility,
and once on top, did somersaults that left the audience gasping in horror but
utterly delighted.
While he was performing, the
Buddha happened to pass by and saw that Ugassena was ripe for arahatship. So he
drew the audience’s attention away from Ugassena by his will power and left him
stranded on top of his pole with no applause. “My wife will laugh in my
face,” Uggasena thought, “if she finds out that the
audience lost interest in my act even before I was half way through it?” Feeling
distraught, he just sat on his pole and sulked.
The Buddha then called up to him
and said, “A wise man should work diligently toward abandoning all forms of
attachment and thus be free from having to be born again”.
Uggasena reflected on the
Buddha’s words and attained arahatship while still sitting on top of his pole.
Morale of The Story
“Give up the past, give up the
future, give up the present. Having reached the end of existences, with a mind
freed from all conditioned things, you will not again undergo birth and decay.”
{Verse 348}
Source : Ye Thu Aung
Monday, 11 September 2017
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Friday, 8 September 2017
Thursday, 7 September 2017
The Buddha Speaks the Ullambana Sutra
Thus I have heard, at one time, the Buddha dwelt at Shravasti in the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary.
Mahamaudgalyayana had just obtained the six penetrations and wished to cross over his father and mother to repay their kindness for raising him. Thus, using his Way Eye, he regarded the world and saw that his deceased mother had been born among the hungry ghosts. Having neither food nor drink, she was but skin and bones.
Mahamaudgalyayana felt deep pity and sadness, filled a bowl with food, and went to provide for his mother. She got the bowl, screened it with her left hand, and with her right hand made a fist of food. But before it entered her mouth, it turned into burning coals which could not be eaten. Mahamaudgalyayana called out and wept sorrowfully, and hastened to return to the Buddha to set forth all of this.
The Buddha said, "Your mother's offenses are deep and firmly rooted. You alone do not have enough power. Although your filial sounds move heaven and earth, the heaven spirits, the earth spirits, twisted demons, and those outside the way, Brahmans, and the Four Heavenly King Gods are also without sufficient strength. The awesome spiritual power of the assembled Sangha of the ten directions is necessary for liberation to be attained. I shall now speak a Dharma of rescue which causes all those in difficulty to leave worry and suffering, and to eradicate obstacles from offenses.
"The Buddha told Maudgalyayana, "The fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Pravarana Day for the assembled Sangha of the ten directions. For the sake of fathers and mothers of seven generations past, as well as for fathers and mothers of the present who are in distress, you should prepare an offering of clean basins full of hundreds of flavors and the five fruits, and other offerings of incense, oil, lamps, candles, beds, and bedding, all the best of the world, to the greatly virtuous assembled Sangha of the ten directions.
"On that day, all the holy assembly, whether in the mountains practicing dhyana samadhi, or obtaining the four fruits of the Way, or walking beneath trees, or using the independence of the six penetrations to teach and transform Sound Hearers and Those Enlightened to Conditions, or provisionally manifesting as Bhikshus when in fact they are Great Bodhisattvas on the Tenth Ground--all complete with pure precepts and ocean-like virtue of the holy Way--should gather in a great assembly and all of like mind receive the Pravarana food.
"If one thus makes offerings to these Pravarana Sanghans, one's present father and mother, parents of seven generations past, as well as the six kinds of close relatives will escape from the three paths of suffering, and at that time attain release. Their clothing and food will spontaneously appear. If the parents are still alive, they will have wealth and blessings for a hundred years. Parents of seven generations past will be born in the heavens. Transformationally born, they will independently enter the celestial flower light, and experience limitless bliss."
At that time the Buddha commanded the assembled Sangha of the ten directions to recite mantras and vows for the sake of the donor's family, for parents of seven generations. After practicing dhyana concentration, the Sangha accepted the food. When they first received the basin, they placed it before the Buddha in the stupa. When the assembled Sangha had finished the mantras and vows they received the food.
At that time the Bhikshu Maudgalyayana and the assembly of Great Bodhisattvas were all extremely delighted and the sorrowful sound of Maudgalyayana's crying ceased. At that time Maudgalyayana's mother obtained liberation from one kalpa of suffering as a hungry ghost. Maudgalyayana addressed the Buddha and said, "This disciple's parents have received the power of the merit and virtue of the Triple Jewel, because of the awesome spiritual power of the assembled Sangha. If in the future the Buddha's disciples practice filiality by offerings up the Ullambana basins, will they be able to cross over their present fathers and mothers as well us those of seven generations past?"
The Buddha replied "Good indeed! I am happy you asked that question. I just wanted to speak about that and now you have also asked about it. Good man, if Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, kings, crown princes, great ministers, great officials, cabinet members, the hundred ministers, and the tens of thousands of citizens wish to practice compassionate filial conduct, for the sake of the parents who bore them, as well as for the sake of fathers and mothers of seven lives past, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the day of the Buddha's Delight, the day of the Sangha's Pravarana, they all should place hundreds of flavors of foods in the Ullambana basins, and offer them to the Pravarana Sangha of the ten directions. They should vow to cause the length of their present fathers' and mothers' lives to reach a hundred years without illnesses, without sufferings, afflictions, or worries, and also vow to cause seven generations of fathers and mothers to leave the sufferings of the hungry ghosts, to be born among humans and gods, and to have blessings and bliss without limit."
The Buddha told all the good men and good women, "Those disciples of the Buddha who cultivate filial conduct should in thought after thought, constantly recall their present fathers and mothers when making offerings, as well as the fathers and mothers of seven lives past, and for their sakes perform the offering of the Ullambana basin to the Buddha and the Sangha and thus repay the loving kindness of the parents who raised and nourished them."
At that time the Bhikshu Maudgalyayana and the four-fold assembly of disciples, hearing what the Buddha said, practiced it with delight.
End of the Buddha Speaks the Ullambana Sutra.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
—— 恭录于索达吉堪布《离幸福很近》讲记
Monday, 4 September 2017
一些些 (佛教故事)
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